
New Publication on Positive Tipping Points towards Global Regenerative Systems

01 Aug 2024

The TRANSPATH project has reached a new milestone with the publication of a paper, titled "Positive Tipping Points Towards Global Regenerative Systems," in Earth System Dynamics.  The article  builds on the foundational work outlined in Deliverable D1.1 ‘Conceptual Framework’ and furthers the project's mission of promoting real-world transformative pathways.

The research focuses on conceptualising net-positive tipping points as those actions, policies or development thresholds that go beyond ‘less harm’ or ‘neutral’ sustainability policies or actions, and thus have a net regenerative effect on improving global life-support systems. It explores 'places to intervene in the system'—also known as leverage points—that have the potential to catalyse these transformative changes, with a key role played by equity-enhancing measures. The paper argues long-lasting positive synergies and coordination between multiple kinds of human and biophysical systems are needed to counteract the growing threats posed by negative Earth tipping points, such as those derived from climate change and the collapse of global biodiversity.

A key aspect of the research is the emphasis of boundary concepts, engaging narratives, and aspirational visions to support such coordination. These high-order communication elements are necessary and often previous to the implementation of any deliberate transformations to address global existential challenges. The paper introduces the regenerative sustainability vision and paradigm as a robust cognitive resource and framework capable of integrating insights from both social and natural sciences. This integration is crucial for operationalising, coordinating, and enacting net-positive tipping points across various social–ecological systems, ultimately contributing to the creation of a safe and just space for humanity.

The publication is now available for download and can be accessed at: