
#TogetherForChange: New social media campaign introducing TRANSPATH’s sister projects

13 Sep 2023

In times of devastating global biodiversity and climate crises, 11 Horizon Europe projects, funded under the Transformative Change for Biodiversity Framework, are joining forces to help preserve biodiversity and trigger transformative changes. Together, BAMBOO, BIONEXT, BIOVALUE, BIOTraCes, BIOTRAILS, CLEVER, PLANET4B, RAINFOREST, SUSTAIN, TC4BE, and TRANSPATH, are forming the Transformative change cluster (TCC), which was established to provide outputs, options and evidence for policymakers to accelerate transformative change for biodiversity, supporting the implementation of the actions and commitments under the EU Biodiversity strategy that contribute to transformative change.

Our brand-new weekly social media campaign, titled #TogetherForChange, introduces the transformative change cluster of relevant ongoing projects while increasing collaborative networking. In 11 weeks, the campaign will present one by one all of the TCC projects, highlighting their mission and objectives.

Follow our social media channels to stay up to date!

X (Twitter): @TRANSPATH_EU 

LinkedIn: TRANSPATH Project